“小豆,乖。妈妈先要出去买东西, 然后还要和萨阿以(阿姨)一起吃饭。”袋鼠妈妈说, 拟(你)和小熊维尼一起好好儿玩
Small peas, be obedient. Mama has to go out to take care of important things. (Dong xi, I actuall knew that one ^^)After that, I have to get together to eat a meal." Mama kangaroo persuaded, I want you to be nice and amuse yourself.
( Mama has to go out to do some shopping. After that, I will have dinner with aunty Sha. )
(You can play with Winnie and have a good time.)
This one was hard, no idea how close I came to actually figuring out the meaning. This does finish the first page.
But hey, i entered and mostly translated a whole page of chinese text ^^ (yes, yes, I know it is only a kids book)
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