Sunday, August 27, 2006

There we go

那听起来好. 我想要做月饼.

I used the MDBG Chinese-English Dictionary to make sense of it.
First sentence I can't figure out 'How/which listen beginning or continuing good'
Second sentence seems to be 'I think I am going to make moon cakes.'

Let's cheat and see what babelfish tells me. 'That sounds I want to make the moon cake'
So second sentence agrees, but still no idea what to make of the first part.

(It sounds nice. I want to make moon cakes.)


'Draw back corners of mouth' Sounds like laughing?

好, 我将去回到读书

Oh, that one I could figure out with some dictionary help
'Good, I will return to my studies'


Giggle. That's a new one, will have to remember that one. I usually use 哈哈

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