Monday, May 14, 2007

Logging on and logging off

我下线了。 i logoff.
下xia4 线xian4:logoff

我上线了。 i logon.
上shang4 线 xian4:logon

没 mei2关guan1 系xi4:never mind

Sunday, May 13, 2007


Gardening: 整理花园

zheng3 li3 hua1 yuan2

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Happy Mothers Day

happy mothers day

母亲 = mother
节 = festival
快乐 = happy

that formula works for anything too!

Tuesday, May 08, 2007




Means yield sb. without fighting. This is a famous chinese proverb and also a important tranditional chinese thinking coming of war. It's also the most important rule of 'techniques of war' written by Sun Zi 2000 years ago.

Monday, May 07, 2007

Love your parents

A friend told me:

父生我身 is the beginning of a confucian litany on filial piety. the message is honor thy parents.

It is apparently taught to koreans as part of the school curriculum. students are made to memorize the entire litany.
the entire litany is very long, but you can find it here:

It emphasizes the depth of a parents love for a child and the importance of reciprocation and piety
The first few lines are:
My father raised me, my mother nourished me.
A bosom to hold/cherish me, a breast to nurse me.
Clothing to warm me, food to feed me.
Kindness/graciousness higher than the sky, values/morals thicker than the land.
The son of a man, why not be filial?

Not sure if the translation is that accurate, but things that are 2500 yrs old are hard to translate, but you get the is very traditional, goes into things like when your parents enter, you must stand and bow, when your parents order you to do something, you must comply etc...

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Quote of the Day

My eight year old daughter comes to me with her Nintendo DS (a handheld gamesystem)
She asks 'How do you spell how?'
Me 'H - O - W'
She replies 'No!! Not that, the OTHER how!!!'
Me 'Um?? Which other how? Can you make a sentence with it?'
She I am trying to spell 'Nin hao'! To say hello!'
Ah, finally I understood and gave her the right spelling :)

Old Chinese Proverb

A friend told me: "There are not many sunny days here in winter. A famous chinese proverb “蜀犬吠日”tell us it's same sutiation in ancient China.

蜀 su3:the ancient name of Sichuan province of China
犬 quan3:dog
吠 fei4:gnar
日 ri4:sun

The dog gnar to the sun because there seldom saw it in winter in Sichuan."

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Mystery Character of the Day

Saw this fountain with a character at our local nursery. Can anyone tell me which character it is and the meaning?