Wednesday, January 31, 2007



长 is a polyphonic character and has different meanings. Though '长zhang3' means 'grow/to develop' when it's a verb, but it's spelled 长chang2 when it's used as a Go term. In fact 长chang2 means 'length' when it's a noun and also means 'long' when it is a adj.. It reall make no sense but i don't know why.

There have many polyphonic characters in chinese and on the other hand they can be combined to words. So 3000 characters is enough for chinese while american have to remember 12000 english one.

I finally got back to listening to chinese lesson podcasts last night. All this go / chinese studying is motivating me to work harder at things :)

I visited Chinese Lessons with Serge Melnyk , a site I hadn't seen before. Looks like a good resource for beginners.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Long time no see


hao3 jiu3 bu5 jian4

Long time no see.

the chinese nation

LOL, we chinese call it '国骂 ma4' means the abuse word of nation. We call something traditional which is really good such as Calligraphy, Peiking opera and Go etc. as '国粹 cui4', and it means the best old thing of the nation.

Have to do something!

Ha, you sought complicating first, then i have to cut(我不得不断). '我得断' means i would cut. '不得不' is very useful when you want to say 'have to do something'. For example, i want to be Shodan, so i have to do more L&D problems. Then you may say:

想 xiang3: want
成 cheng2 为 wei2: a word means 'become'.
所 suo3 以 yi3: it's a conj. means 'so'.
更 geng4 多 duo1:m ore.
死 si3 活 huo2:death and life.
题 ti2: problem.

Monday, January 29, 2007



做 zuo4 to make
个 ge4 a measure word
好 hao3 good
梦 meng4 dream

Have sweet dreams!

One Space Jump

Yes, 一间跳 means "one space jump". 间 is something means room. if you wanted to say a single room you could say 单(dan1)间. Sometimes 间 is also a counting word. For example, a house=一间房(fang2)子. 间 also can mean space, like 间隔(ge2)(the distance between two things) or 一间跳.

一 yi1 one
间 jian1
跳 tiao4 jump

Chinese Go Terms

My friend sent this to me, now just need to learn all of them ^^

I found an article which contains an English-Chinese go dictionary. Hope it would help some. If you had any questions about it you could ask me or jing.

atari 打吃
(da3 chi1) (strike destroy)

bango 番棋
(fan1 qi2) (games go)

byo-yomi 读秒
(du2 miao3) (hard to find literal translation, miao is counting word?)

carpenter's square 小曲尺
(xiao3 qu1 chi3) (small crooked ruler)

chuban (middle game) 中盘
(zhong1 pan2) (middle game)

cut 断
(duan4) (break)

Have to go out caching now, so no time to look up more. From those, I knew the characters for 中, 小 , and 棋
I guess the cutting one, 断 duan , would be a good one to learn too. It seems to happen a lot in my games ^^

cutting point 断点

dame 单官,气

dan 段

empty triangle 空三角

eye 眼

furikawari (exchange, trade, swap) 转换、交换

fuseki 布局

geta (net) 枷

gaisei (outside influence) 外势

gankei (eye shape) 眼形

go 围棋

goban 围棋盘

godokoro 棋所

Gosei 小棋圣

gote 后手

gote no sente 后中先

gukei (bad shape) 愚形 (*)

gyaku sente (reverse sente) 逆先手 (*)

gyaku yose (reverse yose) 逆官子 (*)

hamete (trick move) 嵌手 (*)

hanami-ko 无忧劫

hana-zuke (nose attachment) 鼻顶 (*)

hane 扳 (*)

hane-kaeshi 反扳,连扳

hangan (half an eye) 半眼

han-ko 半劫

han-moku (half a point) 半目 (*)

hasami (pincer attack) 夹攻(如定式中的一间夹、二间夹等等) (*)

hasami-kaeshi 反夹(对应于上述夹攻之反夹)

haya-go 快棋 (*)

hazama 穿象眼

hazama tobi 象飞

hiraki (extension) 开拆(如拆二、拆三等等) (*)

hon-ko (real ko) 本劫

Honinbo 本因坊(*)

honte 本手 (*)

hoshi (star point) 星 (*)

igo 围棋 (*)

ikken 一间(常见的有以下四种):

ikken-basami (one-space pincer) 一间夹 (*)

ikken-biraki (one-space extension) 一间拆 (*)

ikken-jimari (one-space enclosure) 单关守角 (*)

ikken-tobi (one-space jump) 一间跳(单关跳) (*)

insei 院生 (*)

ishi-no-shita 倒脱靴 (*)

ji (territory) 地 (*)

jigo (a drawn game) 和棋,持棋 (*)

joseki 定式 (*)

joban (opening game) 序盘 (*)

josen 定先

jozu 上手,又常指江户时期的七段 (*)

jubango 十番棋 (*)

Judan Sen 十段战

jun-Meijin 准名人

kabe (wall) 壁 (*)

kakari (approach move) 挂角 (*)

kake 飞压

kake-me (false eye) 假眼 (*)

keshi 消,侵消 (*)

ki 棋

kiai 气合

kishi 棋士 (*)

ki-in 棋院 (*)

kido 棋道 (*)

kifu 棋谱 (*)

kikashi (a forcing move requring an answer) 先手利 (*)

kiri (cut) 切断 (*)

kiri-chigai (crosscut) 扭断 (*)

Kisei 棋圣 (*)

ko 劫 (*)

kogeima 小飞(*)

komi 贴目 (*)

komoku 小目 (*)

kosumi (diagonal move) 小尖 (*)

kosumi-tsuke 尖顶

kozai (ko threat) 劫材 (*)

kyu 级 (*)

kyusho (vital point) 急所 (*)

liberty 气 (*)

magari (turning move) 曲 (*)

magari-tsuke 拐头

mane-go (mimic go) 模仿棋 (*)

mannen-ko (thousand-year ko) 万年劫 (*)

me (eye) 眼(*)

me-gatachi (eye shape) 眼形

mekura-go (blindfold go) 盲棋

Meijin 名人 (*)

menjo 免状,棋力证书 (*)

miai 见合 (*)

mokuhazushi (5-3 point) 目外(*)

moyo 模样 (*)

myoshu (A brilliant move) 妙手 (*)

nadare (avalanche joseki) 雪崩 (*)

nidan-bane (two-step hane) 连扳 (*)

nigiri 猜先 (*)

Nihon Ki-in日本棋院

niken 二间(用于下列术语)

niken-basami (two-space pincer) 二间夹(*)

niken-biraki (two-space extension) 二间拆(*)

niken-jimari (two-space corner enclosure) 二间守角

niken-taka-basami (high two-space pincer) 二间高夹(*)

niken-taka-gakari (two-space high approach) 二间高挂(*)

niken-tobi (two-space jump) 二间跳(*)

niren-sei 二连星(*)

nobi (solid extension) 长(*)

nozoki (peep) 刺(*)

nurui (lukewarm, slack) 缓(*)

oba (large fuseki point or extension) 大场,常用 “large point”

ogeima (large-knight approach move) 大飞挂,大桂马(台湾用法)

ogeima-jimari (large-knight's corner enclosure) 大飞守角 (*)

oki-go (Handicap Go) 让子棋(*)

omoi (heavy) 重(*)

onadare (large avalanche joseki) 大雪崩(*)

osae (block) 挡 (*)

oshi (pushing move) 压 (*)

o-shiro go (castle game) 御城棋

Paduk (韩语)围棋

poka (blunder) (*) 恶手,错着(mistake),漏着(oversight),以上几个词义相近,

ponnuki 开花(*)

Ranka 烂柯(围棋的别名)

rengo (team go) 连棋

ryo-atari (double atari) 双打(*)

ryo-ko (double ko) 双劫(同时打两个劫)(*)

ryo-gote (double gote) 双方后手(*)

ryo-sente (double sente) 双方先手(*)

sabaki (making light, flexible shape in order to save a group) 腾挪(*)

sagari (a descent) 立(*)

sandan-bane (triple hane) 三连扳

san-ko (triple ko) 三劫 (*)

sangen 三间(用于下列术语)

sangen-basami (two-space pincer) 三间夹

sangen-biraki (two-space extension) 三间拆

sangen-tobi (two-space jump) 三间跳

san-san (the 3-3 point) 三三

sanren-sei 三连星(*)

saru-suberi (the monkey jump) 大飞伸腿(收官)

seki 双活(*)

sekito shibori (the stone-tower squeeze) 大头鬼(“石塔”)

seme (attacking) 攻击(*)

semeai (a capture race) 对杀(一般指杀气)(*)

sen-ai-sen 先相先,有时简写为B-W-B或B-B-W(江户时期的规则)

senban 先番

san-ni 先二

sente 先手(*)

shibori (squeeze) 滚打包收(*)

shicho (ladder) 征(*)

shicho-atari (a ladder-breaking move or a ladder-making move) 引征 (*)

shido-go (a teaching game) 指导棋 (*)

shitatsu (life and death) 死活 (*)

shi-ko (a quadrule ko) 四劫

shimari (a corner enclosure) 守角(见一间、二间守角等)

shimbun go (Newspaper go) 新闻棋战

Shin Fuseki (New Fuseki) 新布局(一般指吴清源与木谷实的新布局) (*)

shini-ishi (dead stone) 死棋

shinogi (saving an endangered group or stones) 治孤(*)

shitate (the weaker or lower-ranked player) 下手

shodan (1-dan) 初段(*)

shuban (the closing stages of the game) 终盘(收官阶段),一般用“end game”(*)

shudan 手谈(围棋的别名)

Shusaku-ryu (the Shusaku opening) 秀策流

sogo 争棋(*)

son 损(不常用)

son-ko 损劫

soto dame (an outside liberty) 外气(*)

sugata (shape, formation) 形(*)

suji 筋

sumi (the corner) 角 (*)

suteru (to sacrifice, discard) 弃子(动词)(*)

sute-ishi (sacrifice stones) 弃子

tagai-sen 互先

taisha 大斜(*)

takamoku (the 5-4 point) 高目(*)

takefu (a bamboo joint) (连接时用的)双,竹节。(*)

te (a move) 手(*)

tejun (order of moves) 次序,手顺

tenuki 脱先(*)

tesuji 手筋(*)

tetchu (iron pillar) 铁柱守角(*)

tewari 手割(*)

tengen 天元(*)

thick 厚 (*)

thickness 厚味 (*)

thin 薄 (*)

thinness 薄味 (*)

tobi (a jump, usually toward the center of the board) 跳(*)

tsugi (a connection) 连,接,粘(*)

tsuke (an attachment; a contact play) 靠,碰(*)

tsuki-dashi (pushing in between two enemy stones) 冲

tsume (a cheking extension) 逼(*)

tsume-go (a life and death problem) 诘棋,死活棋(题目)(*)

uchikake (adjourning a game) 打挂

uchikaki (a throw-in move which reduces the opponent's liberties or eyes)

uchikomi (an invasion) 打入(*),另一意思是把对手降级(江户时期)。

uchisugi (overplay) 过分之意,中文似乎没有对应的术语。

uki-ishi (floating stones. stones without a base) 浮棋(*)

usui (thin) 薄(*)

usui katachi (a thin or weak shape that can easily be attacked) 薄形

utte-gaeshi (a snapback) 倒扑(*)

warikomi (a wedge between two stones) 挖(*)

wariuchi (an invasion, a splitting move) 割打,分投(*)

watari 渡(*)

yomi (reading, analyzing a position) 读棋(*)

yose (the endgame) 收官(*)

yurumi shicho (a loose ladder) 宽气征(*)

zoku suji (bad style, a crude move) 俗筋(*)

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Good night

晚安 means "Good Night"

wan3 an1

It's not a horse, it's your mother...

NannyOgg: no wonder your mother was upset ^^
wutu: lol
NannyOgg: 你的马马
wutu: no, 妈妈
NannyOgg: feh
wutu: 马=horse
NannyOgg: i wasn't sure :)
NannyOgg: ok
NannyOgg: 你的妈妈
wutu: so the female horse is mother
NannyOgg: 好的
wutu: 女=femal
wutu: 马=hose
NannyOgg: right
NannyOgg: like haengma :)
NannyOgg: the way of the moving horse
wutu: hehe
wutu: 女马=妈
NannyOgg: ok

Some day I'll actually get this all right, I swear!

Back to Studying

Me bad, had gotten out of the habit of studying Chinese. An old friend showed up on the go server and motivated me to get back into it. I want to be able to read Chinese go books!

Some review from today:

不客气 bu ke qi means "You are welcome" in a more informal way

Too tired now to write more, but wanted to say hi to my two readers and show that I indeed still do exist ^^